Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Thanks be to the powers.. and Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Ok.. so.. remember way back.. when i was all enraged about someone stealing my social security number and filing a fake tax return and getting a shitpot full of money whilst i sat here unemployed and wondering where MY cake was? (If I knew how to link to a post I would.. but.. ehh.. Sharon?? help?? it works for ANYHOW..... I finally called the taxpayers advocate since my dad suggested it... Note to self: Always listen to Dad...

So.. I got a call yesterday.. and whoohahahaaaa.. I have a couple bucks in the bank now... plus interest!!! The taxpayer advocate lady is now my new bff.. we are gonna do lunch and chit like that... didn't take HER long to figure out how to fix it..less than 3 weeks...lets all heart her for a while ok?

Financial aid thing at school.. ehh.. didn't work out as I had hoped for.. seems Federal law is Federal law.. so.. I have to drop my favorite bestest class.. Shhhh... Im still gonna go hang out in it.. cause thats how much I wanna learn from this guy... But what Impressed me the most.. was being able to walk up to the college president.. ask him for help.. and him actually doing something about it.. and when it couldn't be resolved.. he didn't wait for a cold letter to be written.. he took the time out to call me.. at home.. and break the news to me.. and then the head of the counseling center called.. to ask if i was ok.. And to be sure I was taking care of me... Since this is my first college experience.. i don't know if other colleges out there are like this.. I know.. my goddaughter had hell at UT*A trying to get stuff sorted out and it wasn't till we both went in and stood on our heads that they finally took note she needed help..

I wasn't expecting the help, kindness and concern I was shown.. I very much heart my college and will be sad to have to leave it in May... And yes.. I did send a few very special thank you emails.. or should I send cards.. to those involved??

On the other hand.. today is my Mom's birthday.. As always.. it is a very bittersweet day for me... She would have been.. lets see...71... hmm.. i guess being immortalized in your child's eye's at 44 isn't such a bad thing.. To me she will always have that smile and the tilt of the head like I do.. So.. happy Birthday Mom.. Still out here tryin to do the "next right thing" and hopin you'll be proud... I love you..
Your Baby Girl...


Anonymous said...

Your mom is way proud of too.You're my hero!! But you can forget about lunch with the tax know I don't do that sharin stuff!

SassyFemme said...

That's great the way the school checked on you, and tried to help. Jen has gone back to school in AZ and has had a horrible time trying to get things sorted out, and found few people of much help.

Bammy said...

Sassy.. I am blessed with my school.. maybe cause its smaller... i dont know..

And Sweet? I know you dont

Anonymous said...

Damn...that is a nice school. You don't see that kind of personal touch at most institutions.

You know your mama is smiling down from heaven and proud as shit for you going to school and being who you are...