Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Ummm... yeah.. i am still here..........

Wow.. did not realize it has been that long since I popped in.. ok.. lets see.. yep.. got the stove.. yes I heart it.. already boiled something over on the bottom of it.. so.. its good and broken in now..

Umm.. school is officially kicking my ass.. but.. its all good.. I have projects due..in early November.. in EVERY class... I may pop up one of those survey things on the side if i can figure out how.. and.. umm.. if I do.. can yall send all your friends and neighbors by to fill it out? Its for my sociology paper.. I need input from all over.. so.. ok..thanks for that...

and umm....Buckeye is still perfect... Blondie found out she doesnt have a pinched nerve in her neck.. but arthritis... thats gotta suck.. Feel bad for her ok?

Umm... got a letter from Home Chicken... requesting an itemized list of "suitable winter clothes".. I am SO sure those will be forthcoming :::stepping aside so the sarcasm can puddle nicely::::

Umm... I know it is sad.. but thats about all there is on this end.. Still not smoking.. but.. I'll admit this is the hardest thing i have EVER done.. and.. umm.. theres been a few snuck here and there in the last3 months.. but.. less than a packs worth.. so.. sometimes.. it is progress.. not perfection...

1 comment:

SassyFemme said...

I don't know if this will work for your survey or not, but check out http://www.go2poll.com/