Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thank You God.... A LOT!!!

Ok.. So the girlfriend got a phone call from her doctor today .. with the results of her body scan last week.. she is.. 100%.. absotively.. posolutely.. unequivocably.. totally.. CANCER FREE.... Its been a nerve wracking and physically challenging few months for her.. and personally.. I think she is the strongest person I have ever known.. to have made it through this ordeal...

She's been my dream for several inspiration and my strength for many years.. and my Valentine for one year.. and above all.. she's been my friend...

So Sweet.. you have my heart... thumpa.. thumpa....


Rainwolf said...

WOOHOO! Congrats on the good news.

Unknown said...

YAFREKINHOOOOOOOOOO!!! Yea for both of you...have a happy Valentine's day with Valentine!

SassyFemme said...

Doing the Snoopy Happy Dance!