Monday, June 09, 2008

What The He????

I have been saying that a lot lately... for many reasons.. I couldn't get into Blogger for some reason for many days.. i dont know why.. they didn't tell me.. I was lost.. now I am found.. la la la la...

I am S T I L L .... W A I T I N G....for my little piece of paper from the state that will change my life has been 4 weeks now.. HOW LONG does it take to find out I have various criminal charges in my past.. all of which I could gladly spell out for them... my friend Clarissa has had job after job offer.. grrr....not that I am not happy for her.. I am.. but ring diddly ding diddly ding dang dong.. I WANT ONE TOO!!!!

OK.. so thats done... Next... I have been out working in my back yard... Apparently.. well ok I know I haven't done anything out these but what I have had to do in the 2 years since I bought the house.. but.. It would seem as if NO ONE has done anything out there for a very long time.... I took a truckload of branches and stuff to the dump Saturday morning.. I tied up 5 bundles of branches for the garbage peoples this morning.. I have at least.. another truckload cut down today...
I must add.. that wandering Ivy stuff? Pain in my ass it is.... I'm just sayin...

Ok.. so.. told ya'll that.. hmm.. OH!!!.. I had a note left on my door last week whilst I was out stimulating the economy... One of the people I used to have in my life... ok.. so.. a person I bought massive amounts of meth from... well ya know.. you can't just live life and never expect to be in a bit of trouble when you deal drugs... I am thinking though.. she might have gotten a BIT careless... as she got busted with 36 grams of meth.. For those of you who are not knowledgeable about that.. IT IS A SHIT POT FULL!!!! To compare.. I got 3 years probation one time.. and 4 years probation the next time.. and I had less then 1/10th of a gram...I didn't even have enough to do.. thats why I had it on me.. I was saving it.. Yeah I know.. we can talk about addict mentality later.. ::grin:::

Anywho and how and what... The note said.. she got 20 years in prison...

All I could say was... dddaaayyyummmmmm......

If you took the dope out of the equation.. we had a good friendship once upon a time.. we fished.. built sheds.. had an enormous amount of projects that we did together...I used to tease her about our lives being in a parallel universe.. anyways...

I had a mixed bag of emotions when I read that note.. I thought about her... and her career.. yes.. she was a teacher.. and before ya go all off and shit about that part.. she was a damn good teacher.. she did not ever sell anything to her kids... I know that in my heart... She taught Special Ed a lot.. It takes a very patient person to do that sometimes.. I thought about her girlfriend.. who has lung cancer... Who will be taking care of her? Will she get out before the g/f dies? her first parole hearing is in a couple years.. but the projected release date is 2017....

My heart hurts for her...

I know.. can't do the time.. don't do the crime... all sounds so good when you don't have to live the life of an addict... If she could have only found out like I did.. that there was another way to live... I had NO CLUE... honest injun.. that there were so many people in life that did NOT do drugs... It wasn't fathomable to me...
I didn't have a clue there was another way to live.. without drugs... I thank my God today.. that I know.. and I am living it... and I pray that she will somehow.. find the peace in her heart and head.. and deal with the shit I know she has to deal with.. so she won't get out and do that same shit...

If you can find it in your heart.. pray for her.. pray for all the addicts out there suffering and especially those who won't make it through the night...

Much love...

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